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International packaging machinery market development status

Jan. 16, 2019

According to analysis, since the polyester and polyethylene plastic film was successfully applied to commodity packaging in 1950, the vacuum packaging machine has been rapidly developed. Although China has a large gap compared with the United States and Japan, the development process of their packaging industry is worth learning from.

The packaging machine industry market analysis analysis report shows that the international packaging machinery market is fiercely competitive. The overall trend of packaging machinery development tends to be high speed, high efficiency and high quality. The development focus is on low energy consumption, light weight, compact structure and small footprint. High efficiency, appearance and adaptability to the environment and operators and environmental protection needs, and new materials such as alloy materials, polymer materials, composite materials, inorganic non-metallic materials are also constantly being promoted and applied. From the current development trend, the integration, intelligence and networking of food packaging machinery will become the mainstream of future development.

The United States is a country with a long history of packaging machinery development in the world. It has already formed an independent and complete packaging machinery system, and its variety and output rank first in the world.

The US automated operating procedures have been applied to more advanced packaging. Companies in the United States are looking for favorable packaging for the global market from packaging materials, equipment, sales, etc., which is entering a mechatronics, laser Scanning, radio frequency emissions, nanotechnology and systems simplify the packaging of the new world.

In Japan, a producer country, although Japan started relatively late, its packaging equipment has undergone a research process of introduction, digestion, and development, and it has been improved while absorbing foreign strengths. Japan's packaging machinery manufacturing plant is mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises. It mainly focuses on two core technologies, one is to apply computer technology to the packaging field, and the other is to develop advanced packaging machinery.

After the production of packaging machinery and equipment, Japan will carry out standard tests on the production products, and will also test the safety, sanitation and energy saving of the packaging machinery.

Compared with the United States and Japan, the domestic packaging machinery is mainly reflected in the technical aspects of the gap between the control technology and the reliability of the product. The domestic packaging machinery technology is slow to update, and the promotion of new technologies, new materials and new processes is narrow. Judging from the overall development level of the domestic packaging machinery industry, the gap with the developed countries is large. From the point of view of packaging machinery products, domestic packaging machinery and equipment lacks high-precision and large-scale packaging machinery products, low level of technical equipment, old equipment, low efficiency and poor precision. These disadvantages make domestic packaging machinery enterprises lack competitiveness in international shopping malls. .

From the experience of Japan's rise in packaging machinery, Japan has adopted new technologies in other fields to create a new situation. The successful experience of foreign packaging machinery shows that if the investment used by enterprises for research and development accounts for 1% of sales, enterprises are difficult to survive, accounting for 2% can barely maintain, and 5% are competitive.

In order to have new developments, domestic packaging machinery enterprises must actively introduce talents, and at the same time increase production funds while producing marketable products. At present, the rapid development of domestic packaging machinery mainly depends on the huge domestic market demand. If domestic packaging machinery enterprises want more long-term development, they must base themselves on the current situation and solve the problem of backward technology and insufficient funds.